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European Youth Lifesaving Championships 2024

The European Youth Lifesaving Championships (EYLC) 2024 will take place from June 29th to July 5th in Riesa and Mücheln, Germany.

Athletes can register from April 1st to May 31st, 2024.

Dear athletes,
dear lifesaving fans,

The last international major lifesaving event held in Germany was the 2008 World Championships in Berlin and Warnemünde. Perhaps some of the athletes participating in this year's European Youth Lifesaving Championships in Riesa and Mücheln weren't even born at that time. Certainly, none of them were likely considering pursuing water rescue as a competitive sport.

I am thrilled that the DLRG (Deutsche Lebens-Rettungs-Gesellschaft) is once again hosting such a prestigious championship. May the competitions not only provide exciting sports with close finishes but also strengthen the friendships and teamwork among all participants.

However, lifesaving sports serve not only as a means of comparison and enjoyment but also fulfill a life-saving function. Fitness, speed, and optimal use of rescue equipment are core competencies that distinguish good lifeguards. Nearly 50,000 DLRG members volunteer in water rescue, saving over 1,000 lives each year. I hope that many of these athletes will contribute their skills after their athletic careers to ensure the safety of swimming and water activities.

Warm regards,

Ute Vogt, President of the DLRG

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